Research Team

This survey is led by a multidisciplinary team of Canadian and French researchers including epidemiologists, public health researchers and social scientists. It is being led by Dr. Rod Knight (Principal Investigator, University of British Columbia) and Dr. Marie Jauffret-Roustide (Co-Principal Investigator, INSERM, University of Paris, France).

Dr. Marie Jauffret-Roustide

Dr. Marie Jauffret-Roustide

Principal Investigator

She/Her/Hers — Twitter

A Sociologist, Research Fellow at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM). She leads a comparative research program on drug policy and risk environments including gender and ethnicity in France, Europe and North America.

Dr. Rod Knight

Dr. Rod Knight

Principal Investigator

He/Him/His — Website

Assistant Professor at UBC’s Department of Medicine and a Research Scientist at the BC Centre on Substance Use. He leads a program of research focusing on the health and well-being of youth, including youth who use drugs and sexual and gender minority youth.

Dr. Pierre-Julien Coulaud

Dr. Pierre-Julien Coulaud


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A Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the BC Centre on Substance Use and at UBC’s Department of Medicine. His research interests include the substantive areas of sexual health, substance use and mental health among youth and marginalized populations to improve their access to healthcare services.

Naseeb Bolduc

Naseeb Bolduc


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Research coordinator at the British Columbia Centre on Substance Use. She is interested in the intersection of public health and philosophy, and her recent research examines different ways members of the public think about fairness in the distribution of healthcare resources. If you have any questions about the FOCUS study, please feel free to reach her at

Additional collaborators

  • Karine Bertrand — Université de Sherbrooke
  • Maxime Blanchet — Université de Sherbrooke
  • Oliver Ferlatte — Université de Montréal
  • Danya Fast — University of British Columbia
  • Travis Salway — Université Simon Fraser
  • Devon Greyson — School of Population and Public Health, Université de Colobie-Britannique
  • Jeremy Ward — Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (INSERM), Centre de recherche, médecine, sciences, santé, santé mentale, société (CERMES3)

Staff members

  • Laurie Wdowiak
  • Cathy Chabot
  • Anna Carson
  • Caroline Mniszak
  • Avery McNair
  • Rodney Stehr
  • Ricardo Julio Davalo
  • Sébastien de Dinechin
  • Natasha Parent
  • Evelyne Piret
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